понеділок, 14 січня 2008 р.

Total blogo-globalisation

Blogosohere is enlarging with the geometric progression. It is good and bad simultaneously.
Let us talk why.

It is good because:
- all the graphomans now can be satisfied
- all the people who lack the tribune can have it now
- all the people who have no friends in real lihe can find them
- etc.

It is bad because:
- all the graphomans now can be satisfied (andf there is so much bullsheet in the network)
- all the people who lack the tribune can have it now (and there are too much untrue and fals messages)
- all the people who have no friends in real life can find them anywhere in the world (and in some time vertual friendship substitutes the real one)
- etc. :)

For the media the blogosphere is a source of information which is unique, exclusive information which is not edited by noone except the author.
It can hepl to find:
-spesialised information (science, arts, engineering, journalism etc.)
- local news
- interesting opinions (with future attracting these people as a journalists, may be)
BUT the journalist should always check and re-check the information.
- online communities (for exapmle, the community of those who are against Putin's policy)

Also the culture of the interactivity gives to the journalist the feedback about his materials.

In general, the culture of total blogging is leading us to individualisation of the content, and mass-media are nothing to do with this. Thus, many web-sites of mass-media use tag-clouds in order to filtering their news in the search on tags. The content chosen by every user becomes more specialised, personalised and narrow.

Finally, this spesialisation may result in one-author-writing for one-reader use:)

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